Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015: Taking it to the Next Level

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Hello, Lovelies!

I love the New Year because it’s a time to access if you are on the right track.  I reviewed the goals I set for 2014, and then were generally good.  I generally made great progress on them!  You can see them here.

This year, my goals are all about taking my business to the next level, incorporating an increased level of social media sophistication, and continuing to develop business practices that pamper my clients and practices that provide a better work-family balance.  Here’s how:

Move to WordPress.  For 2014, I set a goal of updating my blog.  Wellllll, my blog designer retired.  It was the push I needed to begin the move to WordPress.  I need to install, customize and migrate my old blog posts to WordPress.  Something I need to learn.  Time to get hopping!

Shoot at home.  I purchased a historic property and operated an interior design business from home in 2014.  Shooting at home allows me to pamper my clients with a “styled shoot” experience while literally working from home.  In 2015, I want to shoot primarily from home and attract clients craving that rustic, styled style.  If you’re interested, here is a styled engagement shoot (here), family shoot (here) and baby shoot (here).

Develop and implement a marketing plan.

Spend resources on a few, quality clients and potential clients.  In 2013 and 2014 my approach to potential clients was to “shotgun it.”  I wanted to talk to everyone.  Honestly, that doesn’t help the clients and it doesn’t help me.  I want to really be able to pamper the clients that fit with my rustic, chic style.

Have you set your 2015 goals?  I would love to know your top 2015 goals!

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