Monday, December 22, 2014

Shrimp's Newborn Photos: Tips for Perfect Newborn Photos

Monday, December 22, 2014
Hello, Lovelies!

So, more from Shrimp’s newborn session!  As I shot and edited a session for my own newborn, I re-remembered a few details that I thought I should share with expectant parents about selecting a photographer and getting a stellar newborn shoot.

1.  Numbero Uno is relax.  Believe me; I get it.  Being a new parent is hard!  You are just being dunked in the mommy wars of do I work or do I not work; breastfeeding vs. formula; cloth diapers vs. disposables… you can feel judged at every turn.  Plus, the post pregnancy hormones?!?!  You’re walking into a minefield, expectant parents.

With my clients, we shoot 90 minutes to 3 hours.  We chat, maybe nosh on cookies, and wait for the baby to be ready.  No rush.  When parents are relaxed, the baby is relaxed.  And, no judgement from me. 

2.  Pick the type of photographer/ photography you want: newborn lifestyle photography or styled/ posed photography.  Lifestyle photography is shooting the newborn in his environment—with parents, breastfeeding, in the crib or on the changing table, etc.  Posed photography includes a backdrop, a “set up” like beanbag to pose the baby, and often props.



I shoot both!  I shoot newborn lifestyle photos at the parent’s house or hospital.  I shoot posed shoots at the parent’s house or my home.  I prefer my home for posed sessions because I have the greatest ability to control light, heat, and access to backdrops and props.

Think about what type of photography you want, which type of photography meets your desire to shoot at home or away, and make sure your desired style is represented in the photographer’s portfolio.

3.  Safety first!  Make sure the photographer is up to date on her shots!  Whooping cough and flu vaccinations are a must!

4.  When to shoot: the first week!  You have so much to do coming home from the hospital.  Add to the list: newborn session. 

It’s hard.  It’s a pain in the bum, but it’s the best time to shoot.  Newborns are super sleepy the first week.  They are bendy.  Their baby acne hasn’t shown up.  Contact your photographer when you’re about 6-months pregnant (many newborn photographers will give you a deal on maternity and newborn sessions), and then you only need to tell your photographer when you’re at the hospital.

5.  Props!  If you’re shooting a posed newborn session, I recommend that you think about props and think about them early.  There are TONS on Etsy and most photographers have some as well.  Easy designers may take up to two months to design and ship your props.  Think about your nursery (especially if you plan to hang a photo), family heirlooms, and colors favorite to your home.

For me, I knew that I wanted to find a vintage explorer prop.  I wanted to use a aviator hat that I had on a Snoopy doll I received from an uncle when I was young.  The doll seems long gone, but luckily I found the outfit on Amazon!  After sewing up the earholes and “letting out” the seams, the hat fit!  I added an extension to the to the bomber glasses, and BAM!  My prop was complete.

If you had newborn photos, what advice do you recommend to new parents?

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