Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nicole and Mat Married! | Liberty Ski Resort Wedding Photographer

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Hello, Lovelies!

Today, I have more from the lovely Nicole and handsome Mat.  These two were married in Emmitsburg and the reception was at the rustic Liberty Ski Resort.  It was a beautiful mix of antiquey (Emmitsburg) and rustic (Liberty).

Without a doubt, the wedding was over-the-top amazing because of all the love Nicole put into the wedding.  Everywhere you turned (even in the bathroom, folks!), Nicole ensured her guests knew how important they are.  Signs progressively welcomed guests as they approached the reception; a guest who wrote in that he wanted lobster received a “lobster” for dinner; and Nicole hugged everyone and beamed her infectious, megawatt smile.

I’ve attended a zillion weddings, and more than the awesome decorations, what makes a wedding for me are the interactions between the couple.  A bride or a groomzilla may have awesome centerpieces or the tastiest signature drink, but the wedding will feel shallow. 

Nicole and Mat’s wedding, although packed with amazing details, was most beautiful of secret moments between the couple.  When Nicole shook with emotion, Mat reached for her.  Before walking into the reception, Nicole beamed up at Mat and held his hand like she was never going to let go.  That’s the stuff of lasting relationships.  That’s the stuff that pulls you through the bad times and makes the good times feel better.

Nicole and Mat, thank you so much for allowing me to shoot your amazing day and giving me a glimpse into your beautiful world!

Ceremony: St. Anthony Shrine Parish (see here)
Reception: Liberty Ski Resort (see here)

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