Monday, August 18, 2014

Little N's Back-to-School Photos

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello, Lovelies!

Life has been super, crazy busy, but I need to get caught up on the blogging! 

As a start, Little B is headed back to her mom’s house this week, so we staged a last minute back-to-school photoshoot for the girls.  I’m a bit of a perfectionist, so it was hard to be okay with a shoot at high noon, when the light is at its harshest. 

Buuuut, here’s the thing about photos: you take them or the moment is gone.  B’s back to her mom’s house, school starts, teeth are lost, and life goes on.  It’s important to capture life, even if all its imperfections, before the moment is lost forever.

So, first up is the mini shoot with Little N.  Little N starts Pre-K next week!  Yikes!!  Where does the time go?  Stay tuned for Little B, an announcement of Fall Mini Sessions, and some hotty-mctotty wedding photos later in the week.

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