Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sneaks! Tommy + Heimy Capitol Hill Engagement | Washington, D.C. Wedding Photographer

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Tuesday, Lovelies!

Yesterday, I had an awesome time meeting up with some local photographers.  I realized I’m been shooting, rolling film, and developing for about…. Twenty-four-years!  Dude, chcicas, I’m only “27.” 

I started shooting in manual and developing film when I was 8— and, 8 + 24, in 2014, divided by the square root of Pi equals “27.”  Don’t question.

Anyway, technology is always changing, allowing us to our jobs faster and better.  I remember spending an entire semester putting together the yearbook—layouts, copy, working with publishers, cropping and squaring…. With a full staff.  Now, we’re looking for turn around times under a month with a staff of one.

The photographer crew gave me some GREAT advice, and I can't wait to incorporate it.

Over 2014, I hope learn the processes of a new album maker, and incorporate fancy-scmachy albums.  My concern is the cost.  These can easily run $1500+ each.

Something to think about.

I need to prep for this weekend’s barn sale, so just a couple sneaks from the gorgeous Heimy and Tommy and their Capitol Hill engagement session.

If you haven't entered the giveaway, make sure you do here!

More soon!

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